Wednesday, October 31, 2012

A CHALLENGE TO CREATE A BETTER ENVIRONMENT: ASI launches Technovation Challenge: Green I.T.!

Manila, Philippines -- Advance Solutions Inc. (ASI) one of the country’s premiere ICT solutionsprovider and distributor of world-class brands like HP, IBM, Lenovo, Microsoft, Acer and Epson, islaunching the first ASI Technovation Challenge: Green I.T.!, following this year’s theme – Buildinga Better Environment.With numerous environmental issues facing the country, ASI believes that technology can helpsolve these issues. It is tapping the talents of college students to present proposals that will havea measureable and positive environmental impact -- yet simple, creative and viable to develop.Selected environmental project proposals will be progressed to the development of the actualprototype, using an open source device.
We believe that there is an innovator in the best of us. And we would like to channel this drive tofinding solutions that will help build a better environment”, said Jefferson Plaza, ASI generalmanager.
The ASI Technovation Challenge is open to college undergraduate students from the same schoolrepresenting the colleges of computer science, computer engineering and information technology.Participants may opt to join individually or as a team of five members, and must submit thenecessary forms to qualify.The challenge comes with a huge reward for the winning team the presents the best proposal andcreates a viable prototype. The grand prize winner will win for themselves and their school, a totalof P100,000 cash and I.T. products. Four consolation prizes for the runners up P25,000 foreach team.ASI Technovation Challenge will also give out Special Prizes like the “People’s Choice” Awardand the “Most Liked” Award – an online vote for the best prototype at Facebook.The main challenge comes in two phases. The first phase requires each team to submit a projectproposal following the theme and utilizing the open source kit as part of the prototype design.Five proposals will be chosen to progress based on the following criteria environmental impact,creativity and originality, viability and team dynamics.The second phase requires the finalists to build their prototype using available resources. ASI willbe providing the open source kit, which must be part of the prototype.The prototype must comply with the standards indicated in the project proposal. To win, the teammust pass the following criteria team’s presentation and demonstration, functional prototype,quality and excellence of build and project documentation.The finalists will be showcasing their prototypes during the 2012 COMDDAP Expo on November16 to 18 at World Trade Center in Pasay City.

According to Ms. Rowena Sanchez, vice president for Business Development of ASI, “There areno limits to the possible solutions we can get from the bright minds that will join this challenge.We hope that we can truly tap the boundless imagination and talent of our young participants.”The ASI Technovation Challenge is supported by COMDDAP (Computer Manufacturers,Distributors and Dealers Association of the Philippines).To get more details and to download forms, visit Facebook at email at Get regular updates by following the ASI TechnovationChallenge at Twitter.For more information about Advance Solutions Inc., its products and services, please call 524-7710 or visit
*******About Advance Solutions Inc.Advance Solutions, Inc. (ASI) is one of the premiere ICT source provider engaged in sellingcutting edge and innovative products, services and solutions that enhance the productivity of itsclients. A wholly Filipino company founded in 1996 that belongs to the 2,000 corporations in thePhilippines.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Asian Ghost House at Manila Ocean Park

Since childhood, I've been fond of watching scary or horror movies. It terrifies me to the point that it invades my dreams. I don't know why  but no matter how scared I felt, I still like watching horror films. But it's different when it comes to horror booths or horror houses. I don't have the courage to enter into one. Just thinking of all the ghosts and other scary creatures (even though they're just people in scary costumes) running or coming after you makes all my hairs stand on end. Yikes!!

One afternoon at work I received an invite from Manila Ocean Park that they'll be having a media launch about their newest attraction, the "Asian Ghost House". I didn't feel scared or anything so I decided to go right away. I went with my blogger friend, Josephine Arce who also came from work.

Upon arriving, we weren't expecting the kind of media launch they prepared for us. We will all experience entering the Asian Ghost House. I felt just the teeniest bit of alarm and excitement as well. But as the minutes passed, after witnessing reactions of the people coming out of the ghost house, I admitted a chill run down my spine. I felt like I'm not ready for it. I. AM. SCARED. Too scared that Jo and I were unusually quiet while eating. Even without talking, I know both of us were trying to calm down and convince ourselves that we can do this. Haha

Then it was time to go inside.  Pulse racing like crazy and hearts beating fast, we met along the dark, eerie hallway a deranged lady with her infant child then a long-tongue ghost roaming around the corridors thirsty for blood. Ahhhh!! A Chinese vampire also scared us along with the Cheongsam ghost. Suddenly, you will hear a noise coming from the meat loving butcher. He looks totally scary covered with blood! At every corridor and every turn you will surely get a scary, terrifying surprise!

Photos below were courtesy of Jo Arce-

What a thrilling night that gave us all an adrenaline rush! This is one helluva scary experience so invite your family and friends and experience it your own!

Spend your Halloween at Manila Ocean Park. Asian Ghost House is ready for occupancy starting October 4- all Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays of October 2012. For details please call 567-7777 or visit


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